Beyond If Beyond If

How Smart City Tech Delivers Safer, More Livable Places

What if we showed you how Peachtree Corners, one of Georgia’s newest cities, went digital with operations partner Jacobs, 提高用于支持业务和公民服务的数据质量,为子孙后代提供更美好的生活?

How Smart City Tech Delivers Safer, More Livable Places

A century ago, the Eiffel Tower, at 984 feet, stood as the world’s-tallest structure, Boston suffered an odd disaster as two million gallons of spilled molasses poured into the streets at an estimated 35 miles per hour, alcohol was illegal, and movies were silent.

Just 100 years ago, the 17 miles of land that now make up the City of Peachtree Corners, Georgia, was just a dusty stop on the way to Atlanta – a farming settlement with a tavern, an inn, a church and a post office.

Today, Peachtree Corners – officially incorporated in 2012 – is the largest city in fast-growing Gwinnett County, and home to more than 45,000 residents, Fortune  500 businesses and high-tech companies.

While cities like London and Melbourne have rich histories that stretch back centuries, Peachtree Corners’ blank slate provided prime opportune to innovate right from the start.

Transforming an old farmland into a competitive, 安全宜居的城市从头到尾都面临着一系列独特的挑战——从法规执行、城市服务到交通, land zoning and development.

但如果我们向你展示雅各布斯和桃树角之城是如何为全市范围的物联网(IoT)解决方案注入力量的呢, bolstering smart, connected, inclusive, competitive, safe and resourceful benefits for an award-winning city?


  • 35 K+

    assets captured, more than doubling what existed in previous database

  • 251

    smart parking sensors transforming citywide smart, connected solutions

“We’re honored to be delivery partner for the City of Peachtree Corners, who has taken industry leadership implementing smart city innovative solutions that are efficient, cost-effective, scalable, replicable, intuitive and transformational.”

Avi Patwardhan

Jacobs Managing Director of Smart Cities

A steady partnership’s humble beginnings

最初开发于20世纪70年代,作为一个有计划的社区,拥有大型办公园区和高档住宅区, newly incorporated Peachtree Corners engaged us in 2013 to startup its first public services offering.

社区希望获得比其合并前几年获得的更高级别的代码执行. At the same time, many residents and businesses had become invested in non-conforming activities and structures, creating a challenging dynamic for code officials. 市政府需要一个经验丰富的团队,具有很强的人际交往能力和启动社区变革的专业知识,以促进格威内特县的服务过渡——这就是我们的作用.

We established citizen-friendly code enforcement procedures, 定制我们的方法与信息信件不同的问题,以解决更有争议的和以前未执行的违规行为,如娱乐车辆停在前院. We tailored our approach to complement the City’s desire for an educational and informative process, recognizing the impact on residents and businesses of a higher level of code enforcement.

To address community-wide issues, we initiated monthly compliance reviews of apartment complexes, beginning with the oldest developments. We prioritized the top five neighborhoods with the most violations and focused on improving those areas, while responding to complaints throughout the City within 24 hours.

From there, our partnership only grew. Today, we provide a variety of services to Peachtree Corners, including code enforcement services; planning and zoning services; land development services; administrative services such as revenue collection, financial support, municipal court and general staff support; and smart city solutions.

From innovative asset management technology...

Streets, signs, guardrails, lighting and other built and installed assets require substantial staff resources to develop and administer.  When a new city such as Peachtree Corners is incorporated, the task can be monumental.

In 2015, City officials and management wanted to identify all assets located along roads and rights-of-way in the city limits, including signage, lighting, safety equipment, communications networks and emergency-response infrastructure. The trouble was, Peachtree Corners was relying on old and incomplete data Gwinnett County had gathered by visual count in the 1990s.

The City needed a fast, accurate and economical tool to assist with asset inventory and analysis. So, to improve street lighting, public safety and overall administrative efficiency, the City and Jacobs used LIDAR, a surveying technology that measures distance by illuminating a target with a laser light, to compile comprehensive asset catalog for the City. By conducting a comprehensive survey, mapping and inventory of curbs, light poles, utilities and similar assets, Peachtree Corners found ways to upgrade lighting and walkability, speed up construction and manage people and projects more effectively.

Although LIDAR has been used to produce aerial views for years, no jurisdiction in Georgia had used it on the ground. Thanks to this innovative and relatively new process, the City captured all of its assets and used the technology to plan and design road and sidewalk improvements, and create asset-replacement schedules. 居民可以通过GIS使用这些数据来查看街道图像,并确定市政当局与他们的财产相关的资产.


…to data support that brings Peachtree Corners into the light…

In addition to capturing the city’s assets, 我们与桃树角合作启动了一项路灯增强计划,该计划应用激光雷达数据来定位和绘制需要路灯照明的区域. Based on lighting data gathered in the analysis phase of the program, Peachtree Corners plans to install street lights in unlit or underlit areas.

More light enhances walkability and safety for residents and visitors, and in many locations throughout Peachtree Corners, bringing in more light is a simple matter of installing lights on existing utility poles. The local electric utility installs the lights, and the City has earmarked funds to operate them. Based on the LIDAR map data, Peachtree Corners’ City Council approved 25 new lights in 2016, and since has approved 100 more for future installation. Geospatial mapping and data gathering could lead to installation of up to 900 new lights. 用于识别和解决照明缺口的激光雷达地图和数据也可以在停电期间支持应急响应, enabling repair crews to locate problem areas and prioritize efforts.

… and smart, connected solutions for tomorrow

我们还担任智慧城市解决方案概念验证项目的项目经理,该项目计划作为在整个社区部署这些解决方案的基础, such as parking (251 parking sensors), seven cameras, two digital signage systems, internet access (seven Wi-Fi gateways) and a command and control center analytics platform.

该技术的智能停车传感器将允许寻求停车的司机了解停车场和地面街道上可用停车位的数量. Wi-Fi连接将促进这些监控机会,并为公共社区提供可访问性. The Wi-Fi landing page will also allow the City to offer a calendar of town events, a listing of local eateries and information on things to do in the town, as well as information about safety information in the event of road closures or weather events.

Our team also worked with the City to develop a smart citizen mobile application, 允许市民使用单一应用程序处理所有与城市相关的操作和服务,而不是为每个用例使用不同的应用程序. The app includes parking, weather, emergency contacts, news, dining and entertainment, transit information and issues reporting modules.

In 2017, the American Council of Engineering Companies recognized Jacobs and the City of Peachtree Corners, Georgia, 2017年国家认可奖,表彰我们在首页和资产管理领域创新应用先进技术的合作伙伴关系.

The Peachtree Corners asset inventory project is complete and more than 35,000 assets were captured in rights-of-way – more than double the number of assets in the city’s existing database! 城市领导人和规划者继续充分利用这些数据,随着城市雄心勃勃的计划的展开,确定更多的用途和应用.

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